2016 Tracker Panfish 16

With its helm-forward design and stick-steering set-up the TRACKER Panfish sixteen is easy-to-fish easy-to-load and offers unobstructed visibility for navigating woody coves and smaller rivers. You can drive troll and fish from 1 comfortable seat. Add in the 5 big storage compartments a 14-gallon cushion-top livewell and a Lowrance color fishfinder and you ve got a highly capable fishing machine for whatever species you like to catch. Unique light-touch stick steering for max visibility fishability & precise handling two oversized fishing chairs w locking swivel for close-to-the-action floor-level fishing two top-loading 7 (2.13 m) rod boxes two underseat compartments & bow deck storage Lowrance Elite-3x COLOR fishfinder w 240x360 LED display & dual-freq. transducer Backed by The TRACKER Promise the best factory warranty in aluminum boats Rugged 1-piece all-welded Mod V hull w all-aluminum transom 14-gal....



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