1990 FORD F350 4X4 RESCUE

Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 3 25 19 - To view auction details go to www.govdeals.com and Search For 2804-222. Click the QAL box and then hit search.Lincoln County has for sale a 1990 Ford F350 4x4 Rescue. This unit has been on our department for many years and was replaced with a 2010 unit. We have not had it in full active service for a couple of years other than as a spare unit for our fleet the last year and half we have kept it running but it has not been actively used on the road. The pump was serviced in 2018 and I am not sure how much water the tank holds. The engine is a 7.5L with 37 355 miles. All of the compartments and doors are in good shape. VIN 2FDKF38GXLCA54571GovDeals.com Your platform to bid on government auctions and buy government surplus. PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION



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