GRE Test Prep Teacher

Kaplan is seeking dynamic and engaging presenters with a proven ability to motivate others as part-time GRE Instructors. In this leadership role you will provide exceptional instruction student mentorship and subject matter expertise on all sections of the exam. To qualify you must have a GRE score (either on the official test or a Kaplan practice test) at or above the 90th percentile on the GRE or GMAT. Kaplan s self-driven comprehensive online training program (20-25 hours of asynchronous video modules) will help you develop your presentation mentoring and classroom management skills. All training and training-related activities are paid. With Kaplan you will build your resume and expand your professional network at an industry-leading company all while positively impacting the lives of local graduate students. Why Kaplan We are recognized as 92 among Forbes America s Best 500 Employers 2015 Flexible Scheduling Evening weekend classes make this a great option for supplemental income Classes meet 1 to 3 sessions per week (equivalent of 10-20 hours of work per week) Up to 50% of your time is flextime allowing you to work from home on your own schedule Opportunities to teach multiple classes and for one-on-one tutoring Unique Benefits Receive a 15%-20% discount each month on your existing cell phone service plan (US-based employees only carriers include AT& T Sprint T-Mobile Verizon) Free or discounted test prep services for you and your immediately family through Kaplan Access to health and other benefit plans including 401K contributions Ready to join our team Apply today We look forward to hearing from you



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