Male and Female Bearded Dragon

They are 4 years old They have lived in the same tank since babies They do breed Mommy just had a clutch of eggs about 2 months ago Everything is included Terrarium climbing rocks Light fixtures lights Food & Water bowls I do have a homemade incubator that works great I ve hatched 5 clutches of eggs with it I also have extra vermiculite 10 gallon tank Climbing rock Food & Water bowls & light fixture for the babies when they hatch The only thing you need to get is calcium powder spray from any local pet store The terrarium does have a couple minor issues The bottom of terrarium has a small crack but it has been cracked for 3 years now & never had any problems with it The left door on terrarium has a hinge broke but still usable I paid well over 500 for everything 175 Obo Willing to negotiate Pick up is by Brookville Rd & Arlington Ave No Delivery Please Do Not Ask No Holds Please Do Not Ask



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