This cozy mountain cabin is located on a private ranch just outside of Basalt. If you re looking for solitude and beauty but also want to be near the action when you want it this is for you. Everything is here for a comfortable stay including a full kitchen laundry flat screen DVD TV BBQ large picnic table and free internet. The sleeping loft has a queen size bed with a king size skylight right over it. You can stargaze while listening to the stream which is right outside your door. Ain t no city here but it s available just 5 minutes away. Aspen Snowmass is about 18 minutes up the road and Glenwood Springs in the other direction is about 20 minutes. This is perfect for two people max. Please no pets or smoking. To book it please call Linda or Lee 970-927-3243 with your Visa Mastercard. We do not accept checks or money orders. We require a non-refundable 50% deposit to reserve your stay. Off season rate 178 night On season rate 190 night (February March June July August Xmas). 2 night minimum stay.



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