Hiring for door to door canvassers

Northwest Exteriors is seeking door to door canvassers for our Santa Rosa store. You are not selling anything. You are not asking for money or signatures. You are simply offering a no obligation free estimate for home improvement products we offer. (Such as Window replacement siding patio covers & sunrooms shutters) Your job is to get them to say yes. If they say yes you just get their contact info. Most homeowners need something done to the home or are considering selling and they are happy to meet you as you remind them. You are never canvassing in a bad area. We have a great reputation in the area. Check us out www.northwestexteriors.com Hourly Wage plus the highest bonuses in the industry A vehicle drivers license is not necessary we provide the transportation. Benefit Opportunities as well as growth opportunities with a very stable home improvement company. Qualifications - Clean cut appearance and friendly smile. - Cell phone - Be physically able to stop at as many houses as you can during your shift. - Motivated honest strong work ethic - Positive energetic attitude that is brought to work each day. - Must be available to work evenings and weekends. Hours vary by season. - Strong time management skills act with a sense of urgency. Give us a call if you have questions about the position 707-527-7770 or just come by downtown to pick up an application (at) 720 3rd St Santa Rosa.



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