Extremely CHEAP Fall Clean-ups - Kickin Grass NWI

Hello and thank you for showing interest in our services Are you fed up with over priced lawn care Are you disappointed every time you are told the job is done but in all honesty it could have had more time and effort put in to it Do you wish you didn t have to search for a different person to complete all the different things you may have on your to do list Then call your local family owned business Kickin Grass NWI and Leave your pain in the grass to us - SAVE TODAY ON PREMIUM LEAF CLEAN UP SERVICES - - WE ARE OFFERING EXTREMELY LOW PRICES - - WE ALMOST ALWAYS BEAT OUR COMPETITION - (Must have written estimate from other company.) - CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE AN ESTIMATE - Estimates are typically scheduled within 48 hours. Jobs scheduled after agreement are typically scheduled between a day and a week later. For our first two years we offered only push mowing services. We are now offering the use of a 360 degree rider as a faster cheaper alternative for our customers who choose. We will continue offering push mowing services to those who prefer the more traditional and tidy look for their lawn. A typical grass cut to us involves mowing edging weed whacking trimming clean up and of course your 100% satisfaction.(All prices listed below are typical starting prices. Each and every job is different and every price is flexible. We are not a corporate company out to dig for gold. We are a mom and pop business with the goal to provide quality service at a reasonable price )Typical grass cuts for mobile homes start at 15 and residential homes start at 25.Seasonal CleanUp Starts at 20Gutter Cleaning Starts at 50Shrub Tree Trimming Starts at 10 eachWeeding Flower Beds Start off at 15Weed Whacking ONLY Starts off at 10Fertilizer Seed Spreading Starts at 35Sprinkler System Set up Starts at 50Landscaping Rates vary and are only estimated in person and on location with client present. We apologize but due to the possibility of a misunderstanding over the phone these jobs must be assessed in your presence. We want to make sure everything is 100% what you want so we can continue to guarantee your 100% satisfaction. This includes border setups and mulch or rock layout.Autumn Service RatesRaking Yard Clean-Up Starts at 25Autumn Halloween Decoration Setup Starts at 20Winter Service RatesShoveling Snow Blowing Starts at 20Shoveling Snow Blowing and Salting Starts at 25Christmas Decorations Lighting Setup Starts at 30We also provide handyman services including but not limited to seal coating pot hole repairs staining painting (interior & exterior) appliance relocation moving assistance plumbing drywall fence installation repair garage shed storage clean-outs junk haul-away gutter cleaning installation with the option of gutter helmet installation bathroom kitchen fixture replacement ect.Call text or email for details and to set up an appointment for a free estimate.Visit our website (at) kickinnwigrass.wix.com knwigYou can now find us on Facebook & Yardbook Thank you and hope to be your lawn care professionals in the days to come



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