Tower Space Heater with Thermostat

Tower Space Heater with Thermostat Product Description OPTIMUS H-5230 Tower Quartz Heater 750W (low) 1 500W (high) Instant sun-like warmth radiant heat source Automatic reset temperature limit control Cool-touch housing & ultra-quiet operation Overheat protection circuit & warming light Tip-over safety switch Overheat thermal cut-off safety device Built-in carrying handle 3-year warranty Tower Space Heater with Thermostat Product Details Product Dimensions 22.4 x 20.6 x 7.1 inches Shipping Weight 15.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) ASIN B00J8GLYNE Item model number H-5230 Average Customer Review Be the first to review this item Tower Space Heater with Thermostat



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