Singer for hire

Pro sInger based in Doncaster South Yorks. I am available for pubs clubs parties corporate functions presentations weddings or any celebration or if you just want live music for the evening I play music from the 50 s to the 2000 s. Chuck Berry Eddie Cochran The Beatles The Shadows Edison Lighthouse Neil Diamond Squeeze Elvis Costello Robbie Williams The Killers just to name a few.....I can play a set to your linking if you want to choose songs from my website I will tailor it to how you want it I can also fit around any thing else gloing on like Bingo etc. Here is my web site I am covered for personal liability and my equipment has a current PAT test certificate Equipment consists of P.A. amp speakers electric guitar monitor and stage lighting I can fit into small areas. P.S. Price stated is an approximate price depending on distance. Price stated is up to 1000 miles from Doncaster Please contact me on 07816 368380 for booking details Thanks Colin Powell



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