Painters Wanted Immediately

Ray the Painter serving Oklahoma City and surrounding metro areas is an established and growing company. We are a Residential Commercial Interior Exterior Painting Company and are now accepting applications for Apprentice Painters Painters Lead Painters and Crew Leaders to join our team. You will be working with a professional dedicated and goal oriented team of people. COMPENSATION Starting pay is from 9.00 to 16.00 per hour depending on experience. Bonuses available. Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance after 90 days with company. AFLAC insurance available after 90 days with company. Paid Time Off after 1 year with company. Monthly employee luncheons company parties and Christmas bonuses. Potential to make considerably more than hourly wage. Year round work REQUIREMENTS Valid drivers license and own transportation. Verifiable references. Drug free. Pass background check. OTHER To arrange a confidential interview please send resume along with a statement explaining why you would be a good fit for Ray the Painter. Email to debi(at) or Fax to 405-286-2171 or Call our office and ask to speak to Debi 405-605-3563 Website



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