185 Rock Springs Dr Kissimmee FL 34759 Presented by Anastasia Se

Contact me today to schedule showing and preview this home 407-413-0997 This property located in Award winning 55 plus community named Solivita in Kissimmee Florida. Do not miss this opportunity to live and play in award winning active adult (55 ) community located on 4 200 acres and 150 000 sq. ft. of amenities such as Two Par 72 Championship Golf Courses at Stonegate Golf Club. Heated Neighborhood Pools Two State-Of-The-Art Fitness Centers Numerous Lighted Tennis Courts Pickle Ball Courts Boccie Ball Softball Indoor Heated Pool And Much More Bottom Line - YOU DESERVE TO LIVE THIS WELL Would like to know more details about this 185 Rock Springs Dr Kissimmee FL 34759 Find more homes for Sale in Solivita Homes for Sale in Solivita 100 000 - 200 000Homes for Sale in Solivita 200 000 - 300 000 Homes for Sale in Solivita 300 000 - 400 000 Home for Sale in Solivita 400 000 - 500 000 To schedule a showings contact now 407-417-0997 Anastasia Semenov Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Orlando



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