Price IMPROVED OVER 40K UNDER THE NEW HOME SALE PRICE This is a Monster 6 Bedroom 3 Bathroom 2 Car Garage Home with a Fenced in Back Yard situated on a beautiful Pond in the lovely community of River Bend There is NOTHING this size available at this price in River Bend The home comes with a Whole House Generator too This is the Lennar Catalina model and is in good shape with plenty of room to spare 10 High ceilings downstairs and 8 ceilings upstairs boasting 5 bedrooms including the Large Master Suite and an upstairs laundry room. The Downstairs has a Huge Kitchen and Breakfast Room Family Room Dining Room Formal Living Room Screened in Lanai and 2 car Garage. This is a do not miss at this price so call today to make an appointment to see it before it s gone. www.lovitchrealty.com Home PropertyDetail 48211 MFRMLS T2777388 122-SMOKEY-HILL-AVE-RUSKIN-FL-33570



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