1960 Chevrolet Impala convertible

E-Mail Questions at elvieebborkowski(at)bikemechanics.com . This is a frame off restored 1960 Impala convertible with a 348 engine and a tripower carb setup and a 350 turbo automatic transmission. It is equipped with power steering power top tissue dispenser dual rear antennas dual outside mirrors N O S wheel covers with spinners rocker panel mouldings front seat belts with roll ups new old stock push button radio and day night ISRM. Original tuxedo black exterior (base clear) and complete red interior are new. Convertible top is new along with pump motor cylinders and lines. A new red convertible top boot is also included. All wiring fuel system suspension and exhaust system are new. Body is very straight with a new PPG base clear paint job. Trim is restored or rechromed with new emblems. An alternator and 605 steering box are 2 upgrades that have been added. Engine is rebuilt with less than 2000 miles. This is virtually a showroom car with 1800 miles since completion. It is probably the most popular color combination (paint code 900) (trim 874).



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