Sister wife neededlive here free.

My husband and I have been together a long time we re in our 50 s and have been sleeping in separate bedrooms. We get along just not intimately. I ve talked this over with him and he loves the idea. I want a woman to live with us and shard his bed have as much sex with him as you like you two will have your own bedroom with a locking door for privacy. It s up to you if you have a job while living with us in our country home You won t be getting married to him . There s no catch to this we are a quiet couple living a simple life and I m looking for a woman that can give him all the passionate sex he wants. He s average build 6 ft tall clean shaven come on over and make yourself at home. He retired quite early a couple years ago. Message me trade phone numbers if you like. Start living with us today if you like. We can trade pictures we haven t thought about age weight race or color preferances. And it doesn t matter where you re from . Message me for my cell phone number and I will give it to you. You ll need to provide your own way to our home.



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