Difficulty Finding A Job

Are you looking for employment or thinking about switching careers Have you submitted your resume and filled out dozens of company applications but have yet to hear back from those companies or were denied the job The problem may be your resume. If you think your resume needs to be tailored or you need a new cover letter please consider WORDSMITH. Your resume should speak for itself during your next interview don t pay hundreds of dollars to high-end companies to tailor your resume. This is a local small business offering very low cost services. We also provide discounts to students active reserve retired military and first-responders. If you re interested in the services I have to offer to assist you in fast-tracking your career do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or phone to set up an appointment. You can find more information on WORDSMITH from the links noted below. Thank you for your time and consideration in my services. I hope to hear from you and I wish you success in your endeavors V R Ernest Urbanowicz Phone 803-464-1914 To be eligible for a discount you must have proof of ID from your school or branch of service. It is recommended to provide transcripts or performance evaluations that may exemplify your resume. Hours Mon - Sat 8AM - 6PM (EST) Website s squareup.com store wordsmith FaceBook s www.facebook.com wordsmith.eu



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