1994 Freightliner FLD12064T was converted into a heavy Duty Tow Truck. The tractor is in mid condition but the Caterpillar with 370 400 engine runs great. The manual 13 speed transmission is ideal for a tow truck. All services and repairs were conducted by the same professional service repair shop (Jose s Diesel Shop). It has two new front tires four new rear tires and four tires at 80% thread left. The boom is 2006 QuickSwap axle-lift arm type with a 25 000 lb Ramsey winch with a new 150 foot 5 8 cable. It comes with 4 pairs of forks and the necessary attachments to provide any kind of towing services. It comes with the required chains hoses and light bar.. The boom can be removed from the tractor within minutes if desired with minor modifications. It meets all the regulation for a heavy duty tow truck. It is a clean truck and can begin to earn money immediately. Includes air conditioning cruise control air seats jake brake power steering tilt steering wheel alloy wheels backup alarm. When calling please leave a message and I will call you back.



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