2000 Volvo with 86 000 miles that s only 5 733 miles a year It is like new. It has never been smoked in and has always been kept in a climate controlled garage during the winter months and when it is not in use. It is a 10 speed and unmolested motor and never been altered or changed in anyway except for new K& N Air Filter. On average this truck gets between 10-11 miles per gallon while pulling the loaded trailer On the inside of the tractor I have the following amenities -Flip out radio with T.V DVD Navigation Blue Tooth Hands Free Phone... Anything you can imagine this radio has it and works super. -Front and Rear A C works excellent as well as the heaters -The lounge bed still has the plastic on it and has only been slept in 5 times... maybe. -Custom tinted windows with eyebrow. -Just had service done 5000 miles ago. I guarantee you will not find a better truck. I will have truck serviced and inspected for the buyer.



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