Park Ranger Mounted Unit Volunteer

Massachusetts (DCR) Park Ranger Mounted Unit Volunteer Positions Exercise Rider First level or higher in Dressage ONLY . Must pass riding and oral interview. Riders must be able to commit to 4 rides per month at stable location and one public program and or event per quarter of year. Equine Administrative Assistant Assist with administrative projects such as marketing fundraising grant writing filing system etc. Commitment must be minimum 1 day meeting per month. Equine Park Program and Events Assistant Under the general supervision of the volunteer s Mounted Unit Lieutenant may assist with preparations for patrols and or events. Commitment must be one program or event per month. Grant Writer Under the general supervision of the volunteer s Mounted Unit Lieutenant may assist with preparations All above Park Ranger Mounted Unit Volunteers assist with park programs which do involve school special from toddlers to elderly special needs groups to the general public. NOTE ALL POSITIONS ARE VOLUNTEER AND ARE NOT PAID POSITIONS.



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