Annapolis Townhouse-3 Bedroom 2.5 Bath

I am looking to rent out my three bedroom two bathroom townhouse in the beginning of Feb 2016. I am looking for someone who wants to sign a year long lease. My townhouse is conveniently located near Quiet Waters Park and relatively close to downtown Annapolis. There is an outdoor pool and a small gym in the complex. There is one assigned parking space and plenty of additional parking.The master bedroom is an entire floor. The unit has a gas stove washer dryer refrigerator dishwasher etc. It has a brand new ADT security system. It also has a relatively new storm door as well. There is a sprinkler system in the unit. The smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors were just installed in the fall and they are hardwired and interconnected. This is a licensed rental with the City of Annapolis. The rent is 1700 a month and utilities are not included. The security deposit is one month s rent. Please contact Dawn for additional details at 410-980-3878.



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