Electrical Engineer w Software focus

Does your career picture include clean crisp air and the unspoiled shores of Lake Superior If experiencing spring summer fall and winter in all its full glory appeals to you consider this opportunity to join the dynamic team of GS Engineering a diverse high tech company located in Michigan s Upper Peninsula. As an Electrical Software Engineer you possess a strong interest in developing complex algorithms micro-controller applications and signal processing related engineering problems. In this position you will work on software integration debugging design and troubleshooting. In addition you will lead presentations on technical material during site visits and conferences and provide training to customers. SALARY. Competitive salary commensurate with experience. BENEFITS OFFERED. Comprehensive benefit package includes health dental vision flexible spending plan cell phone allowance tuition reimbursement life and disability insurance paid holiday vacation and sick days participation in the company 401K retirement plan. MINIMUM & PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS BSEE in computer electrical engineering computer science or equivalent training 4 years experience in software development and design Experience in using CAD CAE tools Direct experience in any of these technical areas Electro-Optic Sensor Modeling Numerical Methods High Performance Computing Data or Image Processing Automatic Image pattern recognition Experience designing implementing debugging and testing computer code (C C C Python VHDL etc.) Experience with LabVIEW and LabVIEW development environments Experience with DO-178C software development Willingness and ability to travel overnight periodically. U.S. Citizenship. APPLY ONLINE ONLY AT gs.sdsjobs.com LEARN MORE ABOUT THE COMPANY Visit gsengineering.com



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