Operations Manager - Clarksville TN.

We are now hiring manager trainees for our Management Program.As a manager trainee you earn up to 40 000 as you are trained for approximately 12 to 16 weeks in all aspects of the business. Upon successful completion of the training program you ll be promoted to a operations manager of your own location. Our managers average between 41 000 to 55 400.As a company we will open 100 locations over the next two years with 4 of those being planned in the Clarksville area.We need people with natural leadership skills who enjoy being part of a successful team have high integrity and discipline. Who have the desire to learn our business and grow into our multi- unit levels of management.We offer Financial stability and success Upward career track - promotions are internal only only from within Ownership opportunities with a successful private company through participation in our stock plan Comprehensive benefits package Competitive compensationCompensation Manager Trainees will earn up to 40 000 - average training period before promotion to Restaurant Manager is 12 to 16 weeks Restaurant Manager - 41 000 to 55 400 - Continuous training programs to help prepare you for career advancement. District Manager - 62 600 to 85 400 - Two to 3 restaurants average promotion 2 to 3 years. Division Manager - 81 300 to 103 000 - Six to 9 restaurants average promotion 4-5 yearsStock Owership 14 000 Stock Bonus Signing Bonus Stock Option Bonuses annually and with each promotion. Invest in your future through the stock programOther Benefits 3 weeks of paid vacation each year Medical Dental Life InsuranceLocal candidates only Clarksville TNPreferred education Bachelor s degreeSend your resume to clarksvillecareers(at)mail.com



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