2001 CHECKMATE BOAT 28 FT. ZT280 WITH TRAILER 29 900 Like New Condition Located in Tampa Bay area. Please call 416-220-0814. Mercruiser 454-502 MAG MPI Engine 415 HP New Bravo outdrive New impeller stainless steel propeller 350 engine hours mostly in fresh water Annual service just done. Mechanic says Boat is in excellent shape. 2011 Excalibur Trailer BT6000 Double-axle custom trailer included built for boat galvanized rust-free. Boat and Trailer always stored inside. Very clean and beautiful. Fast and comfortable high performance sport boat. Built-in swim platform ladder Sleek windshield Fiberglass inner liner Stainless steel bow & stern eyes Stainless steel center bow rail Rub rail with vinyl insert Transom drain plug Coastguard approved navigation lights Deck hatch Carpet throughout removes for easy cleaning Custom bolster seats Storage compartment Stereo 2 Batteries Thru transom exhaust with silent option Rear bench with storage Padded sun deck Safety switch with lanyard Hydraulic trim tabs Shore power Optional graphics Cover Cockpit Features Complete instrumentation depth gage alarm compass Electric horn Drink holders 12 V receptacle Courtesy lights Accessory panel & wiring harness Cabin Features Couch seating Sleeping berth Porti-pot Storage cupboards 12 V receptacle 12 V cabin lighting Sliding cabin door Engine Compartment Automatic bilge pump Bilge blower Battery box Engine vents Duel electric engine hatch lifts Accessories Included Ropes Fenders Life Jackets First Aid Kit whistle Paddle



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