Custom Website in 2 days Starting at 260

I have over 10 Years of Graphic and Web Design experience and can create a top notch website that will make your business the front runner of your niche. I can give you a custom website like the one seen attached starting at 250 with a quick turn around time within a day. Don t need a website I have extensive experience in all aspects of media production. Below is a list of other services that are exampled in the images of this post Logo design- starting at 40 Web design- starting at 260 3D Logos- starting at 70 (contact me for pricing on 3D animation Video editing and compositing (Including YouTube)- starting at 200 Photo editing and touch-up- starting at 20 Please note The above prices are starting points. The price will vary based on the complexity you chose for your project I am versatile and can create your vision. I am not limited to a particular style



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