Studios 1BR and 2BR apartments in Malden

Looking for an apartment in Malden call me today and I can help you find the right apartment for you. We have a database of hundreds of apartments in Malden and the surrounding cities and have great relationships with many of the city s property management firms and landlords which allow us to find exactly what you want. A lot of them are even willing to pay a portion or the whole fee. Start by answering the questions below so we can get started with our search What is your rental budget Do you have any pets What is your move in date What areas are you interested in How many people will be living in the apartment Do you need a deleaded unit How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need Are there any specific amenities or features you want in the apartment Click the links below to look through some of our available apartments rentals 1565841 rentals 1565840 rentals 1565844 rentals 1921445 rentals 1921474 rentals 2002294Boston Green Realty specializes in a wide variety of real estate service including RENTALS SALES and MANAGEMENT Garvens Florus 781.350.8119 GFlorus(at)



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