Why You Shouldn t Wait to Buy a Home

You may wonder whether it s worthwhile to wait to purchase your home until prices are at their lowest. Prices are not only the factor that should drive your decision. Currently interest rates are at a generational lows that greatly improve the affordability of homes. Further even if home prices decline the possible tax savings of owning a home lead to a lower cost for the buyer not the renter. Also there are special additional tax benefits for first time buyers that may be available for a limited time only. Finally and most importantly when you have made the decision to commit to homeownership because you are finally ready market conditions are a secondary concern. Call me now if you are finally ready to commit to home ownership. My services to you are always free and I will be happy to answer any of your questions -)Flaure Jean-Pierre REALTOR Keller Williams at the Parks 407-791-6594



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