A COMMERCIAL LOT 7500M2 IN ONE OF THE BEST COMMERCIAL AREAS IN ENSENADA BAJA CALIFORNIA I m writing to offer for your consideration what I believe is an ideal location for such expansion here in Ensenada BCN. The mostly unimproved property is located adjacent to a high volume main artery (that is actually the trans-peninsular highway Mexican Route 1 which connects Tijuana with La Paz on the Sea of Cortez and Cabo San Lucas at the southern end of the Baja Peninsula). This prime piece of commercial real estate is sited across the highway from COSTCO Office Max and Commercial Mexicana (a major department store chain here in Mexico). It is also located adjacent to the Macro Plaza Shopping Center a major shopping destination for the city s quarter-million plus population. The Macro Plaza is anchored by a Super Walmart store and is home to branch banks of five major banking firms. Ensenada is a coastal city the third-largest in Baja California. Lying 78 miles south of San Diego on the Baja California Peninsula it is home to over 30 000 American expatriates (northern Baja is estimated to have over 200 000 American ex-pats many whom live in areas within driving distance of shopping in Ensenada). Ensenada is a port city and is an important commercial fishing and tourist port. The city is home to a navy base army base and Ensenada Airport a military airfield which doubles as an airport of entry into Mexico. It is a major node in the peninsular transportation network. As of 2010 the city of Ensenada had a population of 279 765 and it s estimated that the number has now risen to near 300 000. The property being offered for consideration has main street frontage of 131 feet (40m) and is 615 feet deep (187.50m) total 80 729 square feet (7500 square meters the lot being rectangular in shape. It has entry and exit from the main thoroughfare and connections to all municipal utilities are available at the curbside. From a traffic flow perspective there are traffic control lights located at an intersection 150 feet north of the property and 250 feet south of the property permitting traffic flow breaks to facilitate relatively easy entry and exit from the property. This is a private sale offering and all title ownership registration and certifications are available for inspection. The asking price for the parcel is 2 512 500.00 U.S. Dollars (that works out to be 335.00 square meter the total lot size is 7 500 square meters). The real price is 350.00dlls per m2 . The owner Senor David Salvador Negrete Lopez is offering the property for sale on the basis of 50% initial payment with the balance due within three (3) years from the date of sale. There are no encumbrances on the property and it is zoned for commercial use. For more information please contact to ARMANDO SHIMOMOTO TEL. 52646.1734038 CEL. 52646.1409903 ENSENADA B.C. MEXICO



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