Mawby s Cleaning Services

Hello all My name is Alexis Mawby 20 years old and full of energy. Mawby s Cleaning is a house cleaning service to fit all of your needs. Preparing your home for the holidays or even just to help you have a little more time for yourself and family. Basic clean Whole home dusting sanitizing kitchen and bathrooms vacuuming and mopping floors. 15 hrRegular client clean Whole home dusting sanitizing kitchen and bathrooms vacuuming and mopping floors changing bed sheets laundry and dishes. Monthly fridge cleanout cleaning under furniture and appliances baseboards. 20 hrEmpty home clean full dust ( walls doors counters cupboards) window cleaning whole home sanitation rinse and mopping floors baseboards and door handles. 20 hrExtra services Baseboards inside cupboard interior fridge and stove cleaning carpet cleaning.



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