Vintage MIGHTY MAC Skiwear Navy Blue Waterpfoof Ski Snowboard Sn

Vintage MIGHTY MAC Skiwear Navy Blue Waterpfoof Ski Snowboard Snow Pants Sz XL itm Mens-Vintage-MIGHTY-MAC-Navy-Blue-Waterpfoof- Ski-Snowboard-Snow-Pants-Sz-XL- 111830314565 hash item1a099b2e45 Used in Excellent condition with no tears rips snags etc. Two Snaps on each side on the waist Both Sides have Full Sides Durable TALON zippers up legs Waist Elastic on back Waist 43 -45 Inseam 30 Outseam 40.5 Rise 13.5 100% Nylon Color - Navy Blue



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