Administrative Payroll AssistantData Entry

CAMITEL SOFTWARE INC is a unique nationwide company and we are looking for Administrative Payroll Assistant to work in our dynamic corporate office. This is a business critical position that involves a high level of interdepartmental contact and exposure to confidential information requiring considerable use of tact diplomacy discretion and judgment. Under general supervision provides generalized support to Human Resources Payroll department.Performs diverse administrative duties for the Payroll and Human Resources management and staff. As this is an integral component of supporting the Payroll Department and the entire company the position requires an individual who is extremely detail-oriented polished has strong computer skills and is able to work on multiple tasks simultaneously. A successful candidate must be able to work well independently have excellent communication accurate data entry skills good use of judgment as well as ability to deal with confidential information. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Process and ensure accuracy with purchase orders check requests payroll new hire packets petty cash etc. Initiate the onboarding process with new employees Provide direct administrative support to campus staff Maintain vendor relations and assist in obtaining new vendors including communicate with vendors corporate personal regarding purchases and purchase orders Support the completion of enrollment paperwork Data entry Other duties as assigned Job Requirements High school diploma or equivalent Proficient in Microsoft Office Ability to multi-task possess high level of communication skills and be detail-oriented 1 year of experience as an Administrative Assistant Strong Microsoft Office skills including calendar management Clear and professional communication skills The ability to be proactive and manage multiple tasks Self-motivation and be an independent worker Must have a down-to-earth work ethic Forward your Resume to the HR Manager ( camitelinc(at) )



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