Norm s Angels for Liver Transplant

Norm s Angels are raising money to help support his liver transplant. To donate please go to s NormsAngels IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP ME BY POSTING FLIERS IN YOUR AREA PLEASE EMAIL ME AND I WILL SEND YOU THE FILE.Norm is a blue-collar craftsman and dedicated father to three children Dennis Jennifer and Val and Papa Norm to 5 beautiful grandchildren. He and his high-school sweetheart Patti have been together since they were 15 years old and reside in Tacoma Washington. He has been an upholsterer by trade for 35 years. Norm is a funny whitty and lovable guy who is a gift to those fortunate enough to know him. When he s not working (which is rare) you ll find him discovering new music fixing things that need fixing reading Popular Science and spending time with his family.In January of 2015 Norm was diagnosed with liver cancer. The first step in his journey to recovery was receiving chemotherapy on two separate occasions to treat the tumor. Unfortunately after months of different chemotheraphy treatments his cancer is still prevalent. Doctors from the University of Washington state that his best chance at survival is liver transplantation.Two days ago Norm was called in for a liver transplant which is what he and the doctors have been waiting for. The surgery started at 1 45pm today September 24th and can take upwards of 20 hours to complete.We need help to cover the medical expenses and cost of living during recovery time as Norm is the only provider for this family. 30 000 is the average cost per year for transplant patients. The funds donated will be used to finance Norm s journey to recovery Medical Costs & Care He will be a patient of the University of Washington Medical Center for life monitoring his progress after transplantation. He is put into a coma for 3 days in ICU with 2 weeks further hospitalization minimum. After he is released he will need 90 days of round-the-clock care. Since Norm is a laborer and craftsman and his work involves heavy lifting and physical labor so his downtime may be substantially longer than 90 days. Medication He will be on anti-rejection medication every day for the rest of his life. Rx ranges from 250- 300 per month. Recovery Time & Travel missed work back-and- forth for appointments and the financial resources to buy him the healthy food his body needs to fully recover.THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS WE CAN T DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR LOVE AND SUPPORT. IT MEANS THE WORLD TO US < 3 Val Knox - See more at announcements-ad188569174.htm sthash.MirtRTKA.dpuf



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