RandBPop Girl Group seeking members

You dont have to be the best singer or dancer so dont be afraid to apply. We all will be growing and developing before we release anything. Requirements Age 18 - 21 ( Possibly 17 if turning 18 soon ) Patience ( We may not release anything until the time is right. Do not submit your information if you are not willing to wait ) Hard Worker ( No slacking or laziness. Must make group a priority. ) A listening ear ( Be able to take constructive criticism without involving feelings. ) Ok with possibly being in background. I am not sure if the group is going to have a lead singer or parts split equally. Please don t appalled if the group has a lead singer. Drama Free ( It is normal to disagree on some things but there will be no catfights. This is a musical group not the Bad Girls Club. We are a TEAM. ) Fun ( Be serious about your goals but be fun and let loose You will be with your group members for a long time ) When replying to the email answer these questions and put your anything else you think I should know I look forward to making history with you Have a wonderful day 1. Name 2. Date of Birth (age) 3. City 4. Alto Soprano ( If rapper or dancer ignore ) 5. What would you rate your dance singing rap skills on a scale of 1 to 10 (Again it is ok to shoot low. Give your honest opinion) 6. A video recording of your voice rapping dancing 7. A picture of you 8. Desired role ( singer rapper or dancer )



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