Super Clean One Owner Garage kept since day one. The current owners paid 300 000 for this coach back in 1990. The coach chassis has been maintained since day one by MHC Kenworth is El Paso Texas and the RV systems have been maintained by Road Runner RV. This coach has all maintenance records since day one and has been spared no expense. If you are looking for a high end coach this is the one Powered by 300HP Cat Engine -Automatic Transmission- 6.5 Cummins Onan Generator- Corrain Counter Tops- Ice Maker- Trash Disposal- Huge Low Entry Shower- Cedar Lined Closets- Track Lighting- Air Ride suspension- Hydraulic Landing Gear - Flex Steel Seats full power- and much much more CALL 915-886-5566 TO GET YOUR LOWEST PRICE VISIT US AT ANTHONYRV.COM FOR 40 PICTURE SLIDESHOW OF THIS UNIT



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