proven Pistachio and pecan land and waterNEW LAND. DESIESE FREEWELL 120ft deep. Wells on property pump 300 to 400 GPM with 15 hp subs. Elect nat gas on property. Being cleared and brush raked now. Over 20 000 acres in valley planted and producing pistachio s and pecans nowcall for more info. 817 822 2612
Price: 2,000 PHP
Category: Real Estate - Farms & Ranches
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proven Pistachio and pecan land and water NEW LAND. DESIESE FREE WELL 120ft deep. Wells...
l s mahan
zoned for animals unbelievable VIEW 5000 gal. buried water resavoir 75.00 service for water or...
sandy morse
✅FARM LAND with Mango trees - RUSH FOR SALE !!