1964 Jaguar Series I E-Type ROADSTER

This NO RESERVE auction is for a crisp looking 1964 JAGUAR E-Type Series I roadster convertible. It is finished in a bright red exterior paint over a rich leather saddle interior. We had to keep reminding ourselves that the car we were looking at and driving around in was actually almost 50 years old This beautiful classic roadster appears to have had a pretty easy life as it is showing just over 38 000 miles on the odometer. It not only looks fantastic but it produces plenty of usable horsepower with the proven twin-cam six cylinder engine under the hood (bonnet). It moves the power through a 4-speed manual transmission. This car is as clean as they come and it has a nearly flawless interior. There aren t even any flaws on the dash and look how tidy the trunk (boot) is



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