PINNACLE PARK HOMES CUSTOM CABIN ON WHEELS This cabin is complete and ready to be delivered to you today Cabin is classified and titled as an RV but is built by residential house standards Cabin is perfect for that special vacation spot or for the lake mountains or hunting and fishing camp. Cabin can also be used as a mother in law suite or rental income. Great for RV park or Campground Cabin is 12 x24 and can sleep 4 comfortably. Exterior of the cabin is cedar lap siding 29 gauge galvalume metal roof painted steel entry door w built in mini blind and has low E vinyl thermal pane windows. Interior of the cabin is birch paneling walls w seaspray ceiling and woodgrain linoleum throughout. Cabin comes with a private bedroom that has room for a full size bed. Living area has room for an pull- out couch or futon and comes with counterspace and an undercounter refrigerator. Cabin also has a full size residential bathroom with sink commode and shower. Cabin has its own heating and cooling system and comes with mini blinds and valances already in place. Please call Pinnacle Park Homes at 866-574-5159 for details and pricing of this cabin WE DELIVER TO YOUR LOCATION (Sorry delivery is not available in WA or HI) You can visit us on the web at www.pinnacleparkhomes.com. Take a look at all of our floor plans options and photos then give us a call to get started on your park model cabin



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