BEAUTIFUL LOG HOME FOR SALE 15 ACRES POND 12192 Point Breeze Rd -PARKS ARKANSAS -Gorgeous log siding home on 15 acres with 360 degree views. 4 bedroom 4 bath 4 311 sq.ft wrap around porch pond outbuildings basement and wonderful huge kitchen. Sale includes a profitable dog breeding business with all equipment website and one on one training. Enjoy the peaceful country life while making a comfortable living from home. A great buy considering all that comes with the purchase 2 Purchasing options. Property for 349 000 or Property Business 597 000.Listing Agents Angie Gardner and Larry Stanfill Call today Listed with Chuck Fawcett Realty-741 W.Center St.Greenwood Ar. 72936 www.waldronarkansasrealestate.com



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