2006 22&rsquo Stingray 220DR (Reduced price)

Excellent condition with a ton of storage original owner kept covered volvo penta 5.0l mpi v8 engine w stainless prop engine flushed and treated w salt-away after every use 165 hrs 22 3 in length 62 gallon fuel tank 15 gallon fresh water tank bimini top with full canvas set (sunbrella) bow & transom fresh water wash down freshwater sink enclosed porta potti w self contained holding tank perko dual battery switch w new dual marine batteries. digital depth finder w depth alarm volvo remote trim and tilt switch kenwood hi-power cd player w transom mounted remote power trim and tilt w indicator indirect cockpit lighting fully integrated extended non-skid swim platform 25 qt removable cockpit cooler cockpit table w floor mount bow & transom multi-step boarding ladders self-bailing fiberglass floor liner cabin tandem axle trailer custom cover and much more.



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