General Labor Part Time EXTRA CASH

Need extra CASH School money 17 Saturdays till Christmas People Direct is offering part-time work every week for general labor and maintenance assignments at the Del Mar horsepark. Call our office TODAY for immediate positions Rate of pay 9.00 p h Shifts Days Location Del Mar Horse Park Job Title Horse Stall Cleaning and General Labor. Duties General labor duties (special events landscaping janitorial) Lifting up to 50 lbs Horse Stable cleaning Raking Shoveling Sweeping OR ANY OTHER ASSIGNED TASKS The right candidate for the position will be dependable on time able to handle the physicality of the job customer service oriented and act in a professional manner on site. If you are interested please call today 858-578-7351 and ask for Meyleen Gonzalez or Dave Munoz. You can submit your resume to meyleen.gonzalez(at) or dave.munoz(at) You can also apply online at



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