Catering And Personal Chef Services

Chef Anna DiMaio graduate of the world s premiere Culinary Institute of American has a very simple food philosophy Cook with your heart and never lose the true flavor of any ingredient. Her goal is to provide healthy delicious food while never losing sight of the raw ingredient. Fresh and bursting with flavor is what Culinary Creations has to offer. Serving the NJ NY CT and PA areas we provide great tasting food that s prepared fresh with the highest quality of ingredients. Treat yourself today with a nutritious meal from one of our delicious menus or we can create an exclusive menu catered to your needs likes and wants At Culinary Creations you are sure to enjoy great friendly service and affordable prices. We are a culinary melting pot that caters to people dealing with diet restrictions such as fitness gluten free diabetes meal prep etc. We provide daily deliveries to all our clients up to a 65-mile radius. However our company caters to all aspects of the field. Whether it s a wedding baby shower BBQ formal sit-downs personal chef work party cooking lessons Dinner Theme Cocktail Casual and Wedding Parties Murder Mysteries Allergy-Free Cooking Bar Mitzvah Kosher Cooking we cater to all events with unbeatable prices. Our team is cross trained to execute any planned event. With your very own personal menu our team will help you create an exceptional dining experience. From private affairs to extravagent banquets we will deliver an unforgettable culinary experience. Caterr



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