Clean RV 2005 JAYCO Greyhawk 27DS Motorhome

PRICE 5 000Excellent condition Leather driver and passenger seats non smoking since new e450 chassis v10 engine with six speed automatic transmission and tow mode with engine braking after market muffler and exhaust system for enhanced performance and better gas mileage freeflow air filter in factory box power four wheel abs disc brakes large back up camera and rearview monitor in visor factory installed fiberglass running boards factory air conditioning woodgrain dash kit am fm stereo with cd player two 12 volt accessory plugs in dash one powered at all times cruise control power steering power windows power door locks tilt steering wheel driver and passenger side airbags with adjustable height shoulder belts remote control heated side view mirrors with fold back feature dome light two electric powered slides giving an open spacious coach one for couch and one for rear bed custom surround sound stereo system with speakers throughout coach overhead area has custom solid maple cabinets with storage and a single bunk covered board and pad for single bunk is mismatched.



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