Avionics Technician Oklahoma City OK

For Best Aviation MRO in Okahoma City OK Quanta Staffing is hiring now AVIONICS TECHNICIANS If you have 3 years of experience with heavy commercial aircrafts hold FCC or A& P Certificate and have your toolbox this opportunity is waiting for you We offer immediate hire full time job long term contract position Benefits (dental vision medical care Life insurance Vacation bonus and paid holidays. Additional to his my client pays Rellocation Bonus 200 usd when 30 days and OVertime bonus If you or someone in your network are interested please send resume at gmartinez(at)quanta.com Spread the word with your friend looking for job in Aviation we are also hiring Sheet Metal Avionics Technician Interiors Technician. A& P Mechanic and Quality Assurance Inspector for multiple sites that we represent. Looking forward in working with you Gisela Martinez Aviation Recruiter Off 843.760.3799 ext. 205 Fax 843.974.5442 www.quanta.com Equal Opportunity Employer



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