Health Insurance pays your doctor &ndash who pays you

If something happens to you Can you pay your deductible and co-insurance without using your savings or going into debt Can you afford the extra expenses that often come with an accident or illness How long can you afford to be out of work due to an accident or illness Supplemental Insurance products pay a cash benefit directly to you. You choose how to use this money based on your needs and the needs of your family. It can be used to help pay for out-of-pocket expenses such as medical insurance deductibles and co-payments child care rent or mortgage payments and most importantly your loss of income ... it s totally up to you. Call me at 417-693-6581 for your FREE quote today Tim Ricke Licensed Insurance Agent 417-693-6581 Life Health Medicare Long-Term Care HealthMarkets Insurance Agency Life Health Medicare Long-Term Care HealthMarkets Insurance Agency is the d b a or assumed name of Insphere Insurance Solutions Inc. which is licensed as an insurance agency in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Not all agents are licensed to sell all products. Service and product availability varies by state.



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