Maltese puppies for sale

Forever homes needed 2 boys and 2 girls Maltese obedience trained. Forever homes needed 2 boys and 2 girls Maltese obedience trained.Maltese puppies. Full blood first shot. Rehoming fee $400 firm prices. saturday and sunday have them at the . I speak spanish.Mom is 9lbs and Dad is 8lbs. Both parents are highly intelligent and very protective yet great with children. Both are obedience trained. The puppies are 9 weeks old and up to date with shots and deworming. If your looking for a Maltese you will not find better pups like mind they are smart!! There is 3 girls and 5 boys left. I have included pics of the parents and puppies. Asking a fee. Please email Hux if interested We have only 2 boys left and 2 girls. 12 weeks, fully vetted UTD, four males left red Maltese, white tri and red Maltese AKC registered ready for their forever homes. Rehoming fee and approved home only!They are 12 weeks old and getting big eyes have opened and have started puppy food soon. I am asking for a rehomeing fee they have shots dewormed and papers before they go to their new homes. Mom and dad are included in pictures. If interested please contact me.puppies pomeranian full blood. 4 lbs max weight. First shot.Rehoming fee $400 firm prices.



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