EM and Surgical Auditor

E M and Surgical Auditor is a remote (Work From Home) position responsible to audit E M and Surgical Coding. Specifically Responsible for abstracting and providing CPT ICD and HCPCS codes for procedures. Resolves coding related edits and denials and provides ongoing physician feedback. This position will report to coding manager.Duties & ResponsibilitiesWorks with the coding manager to ensure accurate and timely completion of E M and Surgical charts for multiple clients.Using our tools and platform to code charts accurately.Ensures rules guidelines and client s expectations are being met.Skills & Qualifications At least 2 years experience coding in the following areas E M and Surgical Coding Experience with excel spreadsheets Pass our E M and Surgery test. Have an understanding of healthcare regulations such as HIPAA. Must possess a strong attention to detail. Knowledge of electronic medical records (EMR) and practice management (PM) systems. Aptitude for effectively handling stressful situations prioritizing work meeting deadlines and motivating others. Self-motivated goal-oriented and persistent very organized and have an exceptional written and verbal communication style.Experience in E M and Surgery Coding and Auditing requiredTo Apply If you have medical coding experience then we strongly encourage you to join our virtual team to become a member with Work-At-Home Job Connections. To register to become a WAHJC member please take the time visit us at workathomejobconnection.blogspot.com and click on join now to proceed with getting connected to this employer and other remote medical coding work-at-home job positions listed under the most recent WAHJC posting section. IMPORTANT Please be sure to reference this agent id referral code WAHJCNIKKIG69 when you sign up on your registration application and you will be assigned a virtual recruiter if you have further questions.Thank you Tina MichaelsHuman Resource ManagerWork-At-Home Job ConnectionThe strategic way of finding pre-screened remote jobs online safely Office 1 405 466 7641Website workathomejobconnection.blogspot.com



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