I Need A Dog

Puppy Or Big Dog Hi You Pobably don t read this offten My Name Is Jennife Cartagena im 13 years old my family has been wanting to adopt a dog for a long time my dad just passed out and i believe a dog woud be a great pet to have we already have 2 lovely bunnies that we rescued from going into a shelter since their owners were put into jail for animal abuse the bunnies are healthy and trained we want an unwanted dog my mom says she wants a boy but it really doesnt matter my dad promised my mom a dog for her birthday (september 29) my dad died a month ago and he won t be able to give my mom a dog our house only has 3 kids me my small brother(9) and my sister (16) Thank you for reading this i really want a dog please email me jennifercartagenaovo(at)gmail.com if your willing to give a free dog to our family.



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