58" PEER-LIFT 4 leg chain sling.

I have a 5 8 chain sling for sale. It is in excellent shape. No damage at all. It is made by PEER-LIFT. it has four legs. Each leg measures 12 ft in length and has sling hooks at the end of each leg. And also has two shorter adjuster chains. It is a Grade 80 chain sling & the WORK LOAD LIMIT is 47 000lbs. This sling retails between 3 000 & 4 000. I m only asking 1 000 OBO. I have had it for a while now. I have used it several times. But I no longer have a use for it anymore and need it sold. It is just taking up space now. Like I said it is in excellent condition. Still has the paint on it. If interested just call or text and ask for Johnathan. Thanks.



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