2013 Allegro Open Road 34TGA

2013 Tiffin Allegro Open Road 34TGA Interior Raven Cabinets Alderwood exterior color Silver Sand. Smoke & pet free. Just over 2600 miles 60 hrs. on generator and 50 of that was put on by the delivery service. (Never really understood that.) Standard OEM satellite (Dish or Direct) theater system with factory Blue Ray DVD. All service up to date. All owners manuals and service records. Garage kept 100%. All short camping trips within 50 miles of my residence. All factory original except 1200 steering stabilizer.(Works great ) Just like off the show room floor. Picture of central vacuum in basement storage illustrates the cleanliness of that entire area. 2600 miles includes trip to Red Bay Alabama from Indianapolis to have factory take care of punch list items. I will most likely include all my furnishings to include utensils dishes cookware nice Road Trip grill with cover chairs 100 new unopened patio lights etc. Call me or email and I can email you the 2013 brochure with all the factory specs and floor plan. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1010367.htm sthash.u9oAs6Xd.dpuf



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