Best Dental Clinic In Indirapuram

Dr.Simran s Dental and Implant Centre is the Best Dental Clinic In Indirapuram offers a host of treatments and cures for a wide range of dental ailments faced by the patients. Few of the dental procedures they offer range from inducing fillings and repairs in the tooth undertaking root canal surgeries applying crowns (caps) bridges and implants teeth whitening as well as extractions (surgical removal) of cavities milky disfigured wisdom teeth. The clinic is also listed under Dentists Paedodontist Doctors Dental Surgeons. This clinic is operational from Monday to Sunday from 10 30 AM-08 30 PM. ContactUs ADDRESS Dr. Simran s Dental and Implant Centre LGF-001 A Rajhans Plaza Kalapathar Road Landmark Opposite Aditya Mall Indirapuram Ghaziabad. Mobile 91 9990822008 Email dr(at)



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