Beautiful ranch home 4 bedrooms 2 bath

1500 square foot ranch 2.040 acre corner lot private well sand mound septic system 4 bedrooms 2 full baths LP forced hot air central air conditioning 18 above ground pool 10 x 12 shed 16 x 16 shed 20 x 20 attached garage drywall eat in kitchen cedar closet vinyl siding bedroom 1 - 10 x 12 bedroom 2 - 10 x 12 bedroom 3 - 12 x 13 master bedroom - 15 8 x 13 Master bathroom - 6 6 x 9 bathroom 1 - 7 6 x 7 walk in closet - 5 11 x 5 7 kitchen - 18 8 x 12 10 living room - 16 x 15 Laundry room Basement bilko door ceiling fans in all rooms and in finished basement built in December 2012 includes washer dryer kitchen stove built in dishwasher refrigerator dry bar 2 year old pool estimated yearly taxes 3 000 minutes to I-81 and I-80 Rice Township automatic garage door opener wooded lot private lot pull down stairs to attic



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