Heavy Bag Workout For Weight Loss

A heavy bag workout is a great way to lose weight instead of the more traditional methods such as jogging Extreme Fit 180 Cleanse Review sit-ups and press-ups etc. This article looks at the ways in which you can conduct your heavy bag workout specifically to lose weight.The first step is to choose the right heavy bag and boxing gloves. The size of the heavy bag will vary depending on your size and strength. However seeing as you want to lose weight you will not be hitting the bag too hard anyway as you will have to focus more on the movement around the bag and the style of the workout. Bags can be found to weigh anything from 25lbs- 150lbs however for you I would not recommend you to not waste your money going over 100lbs if you are simply trying to lose weight. I would recommend an 80lb bag for a woman and a 100lb for a man (depending on your strength you may need more or less). Everlast heavy bags usually offer good value for money.s healthydietsupplement.com extreme-fit-180-cleanse-review



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